Friday, January 13, 2012

What do you think about this? (im 13) (kinda short)?

Your tenses are mixing from past to present and it's rather confusing for the reader. A bit too much exaggeration and cliche-ness.

Option trade strategy for beginners?

Trading options can be truly fun. The best way to start - is to sell covered calls. Or you if you want some experience with puts.. buy stock and marry the put. Other than that.. your nose is open so be careful out there. With where the market is today... you can def just buy equities

Rate my fantasy football team?

Seems like you have a very strong set of WR, Ild be a little worried about your 2nd RB and with Jay Cutler as your starting QB, you might want to look for a decent backup other than Vince Young. It also depends on how many teams are in your league. If its a 12 or more team league, Ild give it a 7. If its 10 or less, your team needs some work.

Baby Girl name that goes well with Melanie?

Suzette, its such a nice name, lots of ppl like it, trust me, cuz my sisters name isSuzette, i believe its french, but its not commun, so i guess if u dont like commun names, then this is the right choice for you :) hope this helps.

Ratchet and clank going Commando cheats?

I have been searching online and i can not find any cheats like money or Unlimited heath plase if any one knows any good cheats.

I'm 0-3 in fantasy! PLEASE help with Roster! Need win!?

You don't have a lot of choices with 40% of your bench unavailable. Lynch has a pretty good matchup against Miami, but I wouldn't rely on him until seeing how the Bills handle his return. It's likely that he'll split carries with Jackson, but the Bills have a history of getting rid of productive RBs with off-the-field problems (Henry, McGahee). Both Cooley and Davis have good matchups this week, but which one to play is a coin flip. Sproles does not though.

PLEASE HELP....I got bit by a dog earlier today what should i do?

It felt like a pinch but it did break the skin because there were puncture wounds and a little bit of red. I already disinfected it with both hydrogen peroxide and alcohol so what should i do now? Should i go to the doctor it's my first time being bit by a dog PLEASE HELP!!!! Thanks =)

Did "atheists demand tax exempt status because churches had their tax exempt status"?

No one should have that based on their religion. That is just dirty play to attract people into joining them.

Exercise ideas for my cat?

My cat is almost 20 lbs and almost 7 years old. Whenever i get him something new he plays with it for about 2 minutes and then doesnto care about it anymore. I've tried catnip but that just makes him go crazy. What do you think i could do to get my cat movin.

My husband of 26yrs left me four months ago for an 18yr old girl i do get past all this pain?

i have been with my husband for 26yrs we were happy at least i thought. 4 months ago i got a phone call for someone telling me he was cheating with a girl from his work i asked him of course he said he wasnt so i looked in our cell phone logs and sure enough i found her number this person is 18yrs old. the day he moved out he moved in with her we have 3kids and 3 grandkids he dont call them or see them he left me in dept not to mention the cell phone bill he ran up 18400.00 I am so lost and hurt i just want to be happy like he is i will never take him back. how can i get over this

Im planning on a wedding but need advise?

im planning on having a wedding a small simple wedding nothing huge or flashy and was wondering does anyone know where the best place in edmonton alberta would be to get married as there will only be my kids my sister and her kids and a few friends adding up to no more then 20 people or less? i would like to get married around january or before?? so if anyone knows a good place please please email me or give me some ideas :) thanks!!! also i would be using a wedding commissioner.

Trying to reinstall Operating System but get error msg?

My mother has a Gateway, when she turns it on after the BIOS screen a black screen pops up. It says "Error while initialization the NIC. So now I'm trying to reinstall the OS but when it gets to the "Gateway Recovery Management" screen it give me another msg "One of the services DiskPart users returned a failure. ErrorCode=3 The system cannot find the path specified". And then it tells me to shut the pc down or restart which starts the process all over again.

How do I shoot a picture with a reaaally long shutter speed?

You need a shutter release cable or also called a remote shutter cable. Most have a way of locking it down so you can leave your camera with the shutter open as long as you want until you unlock it. Keep an eye on your battery charge and remember that you still need power to write the file to the memory card.

Mathematics Proof Help?

Show that the number of ways of writing a positive integer n in the form n=m1+m2+...+mk where k is an arbitrary integer and m1,m2,...,mk are arbitrary odd positive integers in Fn where Fn is the nth Fibonacci number

Please describe the entire plot of "LOST" in 500 words or less?

Not really possible. If you're not going to watch it, why do you care? Watch's worth the time!

Are migraines and dementia connected?

I've been struggling with Migraines since I was 7 yrs old. I've noticed that each time I have a migraine it gets harder and harder to remember things and sometimes I can not remember what I did the day I had the migraine. I saw from a health journal that links to Ginko Biloba help people with migraines and since that deals with helping people "remember" I was wondering if maybe those with Migraines may suffer from dementia later on down the road. Any help would be appreciated in this matter.

How come LEBRON made his TEAM WORSE????

coz lebron is just a stat machine! he doesn't mind his team,as long as his stats are all doing good that's fine with him! that's the kind of player lebron is! he's not a cry baby though,he's a crying bulldog!!

Growing Blackcurrants?

Can be grown by cuting from the adult plant Try to cut few 6 - 8 inches branches and plant them in poly bags filled with sandy soil. Put them in the shade and water them twice daily. If you are lucky you may have new shoots in 30 days.

I need a french native to translate this english text (no online machine translations)?

With more than 100 new usability features across the suite, XYZ Fall 2007 makes it easier to participate in meetings. Automatic form completion and attendee profiles with preferred telephone numbers make joining meetings faster and easier. In addition, asynchronous collaboration capabilities improve attendee participation between meetings, whether it is through a customized sales portal in the Sales Center or an enhanced post-event survey for Event Center.

How many hours do professional nba players work?

I heard that the average nba player make over 5 million? But do they train vigorously every day. I hate to become a b bal player if they are training like 10 hrs a day?

Why is stuart broad so innocent-looking? we must feel for him after 6x6 calamity.?

His Dad(chris broad)was the match refree....actually all england players were laughing except flintoff

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A question for Christians about Islam and deception?

We see something of Satan's subtle cunning in the Gospel account of the Temptation in the Wilderness. He uses Scripture and its truths simply in order to deceive and twist to his own ends. Hence we have here a faith which accepts certain parts of Christianity while not interpreting them correctly. Jesus is revered and respected -- but as a prophet. The Resurrection is denied completely -- it is claimed that Jesus didn't in fact die on the cross but that some subterfuge took place (as though the Lord would countenance such behaviour!) We are persuaded that Jews, Christians and Muslims are all people of the Book -- but how can this be? The Muslim version of the sacrifice of Abraham, which reflects the sacrifice of God's Son (only Muslims, of course, deny the sonship of Jesus) is that Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son Ishmael. The implications are sobering indeed -- this is so central to the Christian faith that one has to wonder how the Koran can deny the identity of the son being sacrificed. If it is not a mistake (and it is hard to see how such a mistake can occur), then it has to be a lie. Jesus taught His disciples that if they followed Him they would know the truth, and the truth would set them free. Those of us who enjoy such freedom must not take it for granted.

Can someone please explain the movie "The Box", I do not understand?

The movie with Cameron Diaz, and the guy comes with a box and said to push the on and someone would die for a million dollars. I do not understand who was that man? What happened at the end? thanks..10pts for answer

What are your thoughts on taking DHEA? do potential benefits outweigh potential risk?

my biggest fear is getting man .. or getting ones worse than I already have. it does seem to increase overall energy and well being however (I've been taking 25mgs daily for a month or so)

Aggressive Behaviour?

So,Hi! I may not seem like a aggressive person.I don't mean aggressive like hitting or things like that.But when I'm with friends,I just speak more aggressively,act more aggressively...and I really don't like that.How can I manage it?I want to be more calm and "sweet".And maybe you know why I act this way?And,no.My parents never hit me,swear me and I have a balanced life.I'm a Gemini and I have a twin sister.But i don't like being compared to her,and i really don't like people saying that we are twins.I just can't stand this.It's like I have no personality.Anyways,thanks a lot and if you can answer than just post a comment.Thanks!

Playing up an octave on piano? 8va?

So, there's an 8va written above the grand staff. I know that 8va means play one octave higher and 8vb means play one octave lower. The 8va is written above the grand staff. Does that mean I go up an actave for just the treble staff or both the treble and b staffs?

Why does an 8 year war (financially) cost less than an economic "stimulus"?

Its always cheaper to destroy than to build. Cost of a .308 nato round about .75 cents. Rebuilding a collapsed infrastructure to put people back to work....priceless.

Why is Audi the movie car maker?

it might be harded to get insurance on an audi.... and the movie producers dont need to worry about prices

Why would a guy say this ?

I think you already see that he likes you. If you like him back, give him signs that you like him. Sometimes, that's all a guy needs to ask a girl out. Other times, it requires other asking him out. But again, all depends how much you like him in return.

Jock itch question?

i got diagonsed by doc..its a bad case..its been1-2 weeks so istarted puttin on lotramin jock itch spray AND IT KILLSS...WORST PAIN FOR 15 this normal reaction and is lotramin a good fix for this

Why did black slaves mix with whites across Latin America, but in North America...?

First of all, African Americans do have a lot of White Blood, but my guess most of that sadly has to do more with rather than marriage. My guess is that this country has always had the vast majority of its population be white that inter-racial marriage has never really gained as much momentum as in Latin America. This could be due to the genocidal policies of the British to create an American England for its lower cles rather than going the more traditional route of enslaving and subjugating the indigenous population. Subsequently we had to use African slave labor, but it was used to a much lesser extent than other countries in the Americas.

Poll: Who do you consider the greatest Greek warrior/emperor of all time?

Ummm... Hard question! I love them all! But if I have to choose the greatest of them it has to be Alexander the Great. There's no one else to compete with him. By the age of 33 he had managed to conquer most of the then-known-world. He was both smart and strong, so he managed to do all that. I don't think there's any other person that ever lived on earth (not just Greece) that can be compared with him! Definitely Alexander the Great.

I have an embarring underpants problem - of please, can you help me?

Having read your absurd comments on Senator Obama's citizenship, I'd strongly urge you to immediately put them on your head for the entire world to see. Here's a link if you forget the idiocy that you posted: a href=";_ylt=ApcWxoGIfwGEc.Tcbla5Ybbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081008032804AAc1Fgp&show=7#profile-info-VmzIOYFSaa";…/a

Wedding hair: Up or down? Guys' opinions also appreciated.?

I always wanted an updo too.. Then when I thought about it, I actually don't wear my hair up very often so I decided to have my hair half up/half down. You don't want to look like a stranger on your wedding day, so if you usually wear your hair down leave it down or do half and half and if you usually wear it up then have an updo.

For all the y guys out ther !!!!!!!?

what is it that you love about girl and want is it that u hate about them is is that they take alot is is it the way they act katy what is boi dream girl think about is it

I'm looking for a sales book that I heard about years ago. ?

All I know if that it contains an ogy regarding selling screwdrivers and explains that what is being sold is really a hole in the wall. Can anyone help me track what book this is?

What defines your gender?

The thoughts I have in my head make me a women. The tenderness and love I feel. The wanting of a child within my womb. The desire I have to want a man.

JOSEPH SMITH prophesied that Jesus would come before 1891...right?

Romans 8:28-29 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. His purpose for us is to become like His Son - to become Christlike with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

What is it? A shrub that grows anew each summer,?

to about 3-4 ft, large oval leaves up to about 10" long, pinkish-green soft stems, and clusters of dark berries similar to clusters of gs just smaller. The berries appear to be ripe now - end of September in upstate New York.

What do you think of my Mock Draft!?

its good but calvin (even tho hes the best player) will get not get picked 1st, it will be Jamarcus Russel

Where can I buy wholesale women and men clothing for resale?

This site has helped me find the best items for resale. Stop spinning your wheels and join one of the largest, safest wholesale communities on the internet. Over 50,000 other online sellers, retailers and bargain hunters have discovered the best place to find legitimate, pre-screened wholesalers, dropshippers, liquidators and manufacturers for every type of product imaginable visit a href="" rel="nofollow"http://best-wholesale-suppliers.blo…/a

Question about pokerstars?

For all of you that have played there, how many times have you seen a single small pair win the pot? How many times have you seen a straight draw on the board? How many times have you encountered a bad beat? How often have you seen a small stack beat a big stack all in? How many strong hole cards do you get when you play conservatively? How many strong hole cards do you get when you play aggressively? How many times have you seen a clueless donkey win the pot with a trash hand? Would just like some honest answers, thanks.

What is the deal wit this???

Ok so...I went to go see my crush and he acted straight up rude! He kept puttin his hand to my face...and telling me **** you but then one minute he told me he wasn't serious. One of his friends asked if I was his girl [which im not] but he answered sayin "Ask her". He blow smoke in my face twice and i asked him why wuz he doin dat and he said "oh, im just being an " and i asked him can he stop bein an hole and show me a different side...and he told me "he got me". As we walked outside...I asked him does he NOT wanna be with me and he said "did I say that" then idk...he basically acted like he didn't care. One minute...he would stare at me with that look as if "I wanted you"...then the other min...he completely blows me off and acts mean! starting to not like him....but can you tell me why he mite have acted this way. Does he not like me or what? Also should I ask him why he treated me so wrong...or should I just leave him alone?

How do I help my 6yo daughter accept she will no longer have a playroom?

Get her a present for an older child, which she is becoming and tell her that she is growing up and that she is a big girl now.

What did you sing to your children when you were trying to get them to sleep?

I used to try singing the times-table song Suzie,I remember the tune so well,but just keep forgetting the words.

Yugioh cahzz deck help?

Actually to tell you the truth i used both those decks before adn the best one was Armed Dragons and Union. I had 3 of V-Z and all the combos (VW, XY, XZ, YZ, XZ and all the rest) there were very good especially with 3 frontline bases and magical mallet. Hope this helps

Why did Obama (and Dems) vote against this bill if they are so concerned about the solvency of Social Security?

They are not concerned about SS. There only concern is taking care of the poor stupid public that they think are to weak and dumb to take care of themselves. They do not care if they turn our republic into socialism, in fact that is what they want. If they had any sense concerning SS, they never would have voted to take the money out in the first place. They have no real beliefs that go to protecting our Constitution and way of life. So they offer free stuff, that really is not free at all. When abortion was being debated. People were concerned that if it was ped, our tax dollars would go to pay for it. NOOOOOOO, that will NEVER happen they said. We see how that turned out. They then ran on the policy that the govt. should pay for it. "Free" heathcare will be the same way. I have no doubt all the hoor stories we are hearing about it will come true. All this reminds me of our forefathers paying for Manhattan with 24 dollars worth of trinkets. People are stupid that support these people.

What is the deal with today's society??

it seems like every1 is all about badgering the teen parents of todays society and i would like to kno why...i read a queston titled " Why do so many teenagers/young people have babies?" and everyones answer was so mean and was like they are trying to say teens dont make good parents...they always end up on WIC or welfare or medicaid or how the child becomes a victim and is hurt or going to have a horrible life if his/her parents are teenagers well i am one of those teenage parents and that hurt me to read that. i am not on welfare or WIC or medicaid! i was 17 when my first baby was born i DIDNT drop out of school! i worked my *** off and went to school just to pay for daycare so i could graduate on time with my fellow clmates i have NO help from any1 the father of my baby and i got married after HS and we both worked and he went to college and worked full time to get his nursing degree and SOME DAYS(not always)i think we are better off than those who wait til their 30s

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Trying to find title of this book i read when i was younger?

i really cant remember it at all.. i think it was like scifi futuristic and they like travel to like a different planet and like something about the gr like cuts their feet and the girl has a notebook where she keeps journals i think. **** i really cant remember this

What sort of man would have a relationship with a feminist woman?

Apart from a man who wants a one nighter, a loser looking for an abusive mother figure to capture his youth, or a lunatic.

What to do with "Hard to get"?

I've known this girl 1 year. We went out 2 times and then she began inviting me to her desk. We would almost kiss and then she'd pull away(sometimes getting upset), but then she'd do the same thing the next day. I backed off a little because of this. The next day she stops at my desk and gives me this suggestive look and then walks away. I sent an email to try and gauge what she was feeling and then she changed completely. She'd talk to me but wouldn't look at me. I thought she lost interest so I left her alone, but then she started initiating conversation again. I figure she play hard to get and go along for 2 days, but got frustrated. I decided to really push things and get close to her. It threw her for a loop and she left the room. After she came back she began talking to me again like she used to. I figured that the game was over, and she hinted that the next day would be special. The next day she still play hard to get and even more flirting w/other guys. Help!

My chances of getting into a UC (University of California)?

You can see the profiles of admitted students to every UC campus for Fall 2009 (detailed breakdown of GPA, SAT, ACT, SAT II, and other statistics) at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a starting on page 39 of the PDF file. This will give you an idea of how competitive you are at each UC campus for admission.

10 month old is an eating

My 10 month old son loves to eat! He's been eating solids for a while now and also feeds himself. He eats anything we are eating like bread, cheese, toast, gerber puffs, cheerios, ice cream, pancakes, spaghetti, pasta, juice watered down. He also eats jarred baby foods and I feed him 4 times a day. I just recently stopped a couple sessions since the intake of all the solids. I just made a home made pot of chili tonight and he LOVED it. My first son was a picky eater and still is so I am not used to a baby eating like this. Is it normal for a 10 month old to eat so much and also nurse???He's been eating like this since about 9 months and he doesn't have formula he gets milk. What are your 10 month old feeding schedules like? I don't really have him on a schedule, he just eats when we eat and he gets snacks in between plus his ie milk. He doesn't seem to be packing on the pounds like I wish as he is about 18 pounds but on the smaller side.

How much more are Americans willing to take before our great country is completely depleted?

I want to know because as bad as things look now the future doesn't look to bright now unless we start speaking up and DO SOMETHING!

Who here had best picks for Jornada 6?

Yeahahahahah!!!! I told ya I'd be champ someday! Ready for another soccer weekend, best of luck to all!

POLL: Paris Hilton of Britney Spears?

Personally i like Britney Spears way better because at least Brit did something to be a celebrity, instead of rich girl Paris. Paris Hilton is a celeb because of what??? At least Brit doesnt seem as much of a spoiled brat as Paris Hilton, because Paris went to jail for a little while, and she cried like a baby and ran to her mothers arms. And she also claimed that Paris Jackson was named after her, when Debbie Rowe said that Paris Jackson was named after the city Paris where she was concieved. And she is always talking about her new "Best friend" Its really pathetic.


ok this is not melanie its her cousin and i just wanted to know how i could lose about 15 by july 20

Student Loans?

I want to get a student loan in which I don't have to pay back until I graduate, but the school I want to go to is not eligible. It is a vocational school that does not offer financial aid. Where can I get a loan from?

Should I convert my traditional IRA to a ROTH before end of 2010?

The question is do you want to pay taxes on this retirement now or when you start taking the money out ? Traditional IRA you pay taxes when you take out in the future. Ross is you pay now so at retirement there is no tax. Ross also has other benefits. Talk to a tax person for the right info.

Is my hair some type of alien life form?

This is not an exaggeration... My hair will fell light and soft one minute then five minutes later it's really greasy and I don't know why? Is their any products that can help with this?

My mom is rude most of time but she doesn't think she has issues what do I do?

Well I was in the kitchen making a pb&j and she said help and I said WHAT! ( like what happened) and I ran in and she dropped her sandwhich big deal? and she is yelling bdgfuidsifagnbdignds and I'm like what am I suppose to do so I got paper towels and she stomps in there and says you don't see things unless you want to like that f****** candy bar or d*** costume and I said leave me alone I can't teleport super fast just to help you and I took the paper towels and she likes to switch the story around so everything is my fault whats wrong with a costume? AND A CANDY BAR? and was I suppose to be faster or what? its almost halloween and i really want that costume be she just denies everything i want its not fair!

Where is the best place to ski in Syracuse, NY?

Greek Peak and Titus Mountain are both near Cortland...about an hour south. I haven't been to either of them in years.

How can people support Clinton after she broke her pledge not to participate in the Michigan Primary?

Shonesta....xwy EVERYBODY's name was still on the ballot in Florida. The reason that they support her is because they don't really care too much for the rules. They think it's ok to hit someone and hide your hands. I personally feel bad for the voters in those states. Especially for Florida, because they are subject to a Republican congress and governor. It might have just been better if the DNC had done what the RNC did - penalize by taking half of the delegates away.

Is he becoming more emotional?

Well I hav a friend whos been friends with a guy for over a yr and a 1/2 and she's never done anything with anyone physical whys before and well she feels comfortable with him and he's been there for her through really hard times and after this yr or so he admitted to being attracted to her physically and hes told her he loves her but not in a bf gf way but its conf and well they've done things like 3 times but never gone all the way but the 1st time she said he was very sweet and the second time he put his hand on her head but they were talking about things and something happened and they thought they weren't going to do anything anymore but the 3rd time they did somethings again but this time he didnt even put his hand on her head he actualy put his hand on her face and would stroke her arm and he knew it was her first time doing things like that and he would ask her if she was sure if she was ok and she dsn't kno if he's becoming more close to her emotionally and I dk wut 2 tell her

Sure. Its wrong. But why not let it continue?

Well, I guess the question would be are you and your wife still intimate? Not that it matters I guess, but if there is no chance of you getting back together, then why would you not continue the emails? Like you said you have not met and there is no guarantee that it will progress to something more then there really is no harm in are leaning on each other for moral support since you are both experiencing similar situations...if anything you have made a new friend and we can all use a friend...I know a couple on the throes of divorce who sleep in separate rooms and continue on with their lives as if they are roommates because they cannot afford to live on their own at the moment, and although I would feel awkward in that situation, if it works for them it works for them. As far as the dating goes, I don't know if they bring dates home, that would be really weird, but I do know that she is dating someone else, that being said...your email friend is a friend, why stop this friendship when you are not hurting anyone, if the marriage is over, it's over...make new friends...

How do you dye coon tails in your hair?

I've heard either taping the section you want to keep one color. i've tried it and its pretty neat. I hear you can conditioner a sections too but i have personally tried it.

What about these boy names?

You go girl. At least they will all be originals. I like them too. If I was a boy when I was born, my name would of been Jeffery Allen. UGH! Actually, my mother had this weird sense of humor, the 3 older of us were supposed to have been boys, all named Jeffery with a different middle name, and my youngest sister was supposed to be the only girl named Heidi. Yeah. So, in all reality, I'm glad it worked out for the better this way. Good Luck.

Question for the Muslims?

I know this is true I have a copy of it in english but many muslims have not read the quran in a language they understand and so will tell you what you read is corrupted. they learn it by heart in a language they can not understand. even my Egyptian friend who spoke arabic could not understand what was written in his quran.

How do i open the snow queens secret door to kill the demon and set the moon druid free?

you open it, kill the demon, and let the moon druid go. and to think that i thought i was simple :) seriously, though, i have no clue. my apologies!

Has any in NC successfully grown bananas, pineapples, lemons or limes?

There are very few places in the continental US that can grow bananas, only aware of one small area in California. North Carolina is going to be too cold to support any of those fruit trees. Look at trees that do well in cold winters, like apple and perhaps peach trees.

Can anybody explain this eerie experience?

Were there any TVs on in your bedroom or another room? Maybe someone was outside? Or, maybe you have a ghost in your room, I'm not sure. Good luck.

Can you you refuse to take your pants off for TSA and then leave the airport without problem?

There was a case last week (in Los Angeles) where a guy didn't want to be felt in his private parts so he refused the TSA feel-up and as a result was not allowed to board the airplane BUT he was on the local news and radio shows because they wouldn't let him leave the airport until he agreed to a pat down even though it was made clear he was not going to board the airplane. He is now filing a law suit. Good for him. He wasn't allowed to leave the airport until male TSA agents felt his .

Where is good to go in Belfast on a Saturday night?

Its my 22nd birthday party and my mother and aunt are coming with us. I want to go somewhere that won't be full of "kids" but not full of oldies either. I know loads of places that my friends and I often go but would prefer somewhere just that bit different - please help!!

Can a felon become a marriage and family therapist in the state of colorado?

I am looking for specific information regarding this. Not links to the DORA website as it is very ambiguous. I have been to the DORA website a million times and it doesn't have the answer. Please, someone in the field provide me with insight as to what my chances are for getting into school and if I do get accepted, getting the appropriate license doents. Please be as specific as possible. Also, I am currently applying for certification as an addiction counselor, are there any lawyers who can help me navigate the process.

Do I need to have a company name to order products from Wholesalers?

I noticed when i try to sign up for wholesaler products they need my company name. I don't have one. Do I need one?

Is the Cougar Revolution Good for Women's Liberation?

no, i think its here to stay and that's fine. besides men have been dating younger women for year and nobody bats an eyelash. i will say that i dislike the cougars who try way too hard to look just makes them look older. there is a way to age gracefully and that doesn't include shopping at Forever 21 when you're in your forties.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Is Layla El much hotter ,now, that she made a face turn ?

Seems that how it is with most fans or announcers.. When Layla was a heel , eeeew, yuck, what a skank ..... Now that she's a face wrestler, oooh la-la-la, smoking hot, BABE, y,and nothing changed with her looks ..... I don't get it .....

Rate 1(bad)/5(good) & say why--now write ur 1st paragraph 2 ur memoir 4 a rating?

over the years i've tried to envision memories to fill the widening gap. only one true memory lingers, forever etched in my brain. the day that mom died changed everything about our family. it was just a few days before my third birthday and mom was working on sample cakes. my sis and i couldn't wait to taste a piece. yet, without warning, mom's head slammed against the kitchen table and gaping flesh flung across the room. as mom's body pounded against the kitchen floor, blood spattered across my lips and dripped onto the sample cake that had slid across the floor like a hockey puck. it would be the last homeade cake ever made for me. never again would our family enjoy mom's compion, wit and talent. never again would i be able to remember anything else about mother, other than the day she died. the paramedics seemed to take forever and when they showed up, they were suprised to see a black family living in a mostly white area...they were cold, slow and silent.

I need help with Pokemon pearl. can someone help me?

i'm in stark mountain and i don't know how to get to the pokemon that's in there. can anyone tell me how i do that?

Tell me about blessing by Imtiaz Dharker?

i need to compare it to island man, nothings changed and limbo please help i need information about the poet the poem and also those poems so i can compare them.

Is there a way to change a PowerPC Macintosh into an Intel Macintosh?

Is there a way to do that? There are features that can only be used on Intel Macs and I want to use them.

Now that Bush has decided to use the Popeye maneuver in Iraq. Would this be a good time to invest in Spinach??

Is this any more shocking then other things he has done . I was finished with bush the day he called the constitution just a piece of paper .

I need a first name to go with a middle name of William?

My husband and I can't decide on a first name if we have a little boy. The baby wouldn't cooperate for our sonogram. We already picked Ava Raylene if it's a girl. We want to use William as a middle name because that's my husband's and my grandfather's middle name. Our last name is Jones. We don't want anything too unique or too popular. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!

SIMS 2 froze my laptop and it wont start!help?

While i was playing sims 2 double deluxe i usd the cheat debug mode!!!! Where you press shift and click on your character and do weird things! Soo i made a new character while playing (live mode) and dis the cheat andvkilled it with flies!!!! So as that sim dies my laptop makrs a weird noise the acreen is colorful and shuts off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I open it and then the colorful sscreen is THERE again!!!!!!!! I wait .. And it startsto fade into a black background!!!! And it wot open!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pleaseeeeee sokebody tell me what happened!!!!??? Pkease!!!! Im si stressed outttt!!!! Evenva cd wont work!!! Please help!

Can I get Apple to swap my iPhone 3G for a new 4G for free?

I've heard that Apple will replace with the latest model phone. But how do I get them to replace my phone? There's nothing really wrong with it but I'd like the 4G. I guess I could pay for the upgrade but I really don't want to extend my contract...and plus, I feel like the frustration and crappy service from AT&T has earned me a freebie! Do I need to call Apple and report it as lost or stolen? I've had the 3G for almost 2 years now and I didn't buy the extended warranty coverage, can I even get a free replacement?

Which religion has carried out the greatest atrocities throught history?

I mean i've heard a lot about the roman catholics like the crusades, the inquisition and even the holocaust if you consider Hitler roman catholic (his views were very twisted like he believed in an aryan jesus who fought against jews) but anyway is it roman catholics or is there a worse one?

"Ringworm" on my kitten?

Vet called today and said her culture came back negative... But we started her on an oral antifungal (griseofulvin - sp?) 2 weeks ago and that is, to my eyes, to be working great. I think I see short little furs growing back and no more red above her eye. Also, a spot started over her other eye right b4 she started taking the med but it never got worse and isn't red anymore. Her tail is the worst - ALL scales in one section where all her fur suddenly fell off b4 she started medicine (I panicked the morning I discovered that) but now I think there are furs pushing through part of it. I am so confused that the culture came back negative, but it looked like ringworm, the sites were fluorescent under the woods lamp, and now it is looking better after taking an antifungal for2 weeks? Does this condition sound like anything else you know of? I looked at pictures of mange and stuff it that looked way more disgusting than what she had. Could be a false negative too, who knows...

Correct any grammatical error please?

I don't get the latter half of the first sentence in its technical sense, so no comment there. As for the second sentence, I think you should do away with 'basically', since it doesn't really contribute to the sentence meaning-wise. Also, get rid of the second 'and then'. Replace it with something like 'after which'.

Stomach and back pain please help!!!!?

For over 24 hours now I've been having really horrible pain in my abdomin and back mostly the muscles and the right side. I've been so exhausted also I keep sleeping hoping it will help but the more I sleep the more I just feel like I haven't slept for days. I've been told it might be appendicitis but I imagine after 24 hours it would be alot worse but its just a constant pain, and Ibuprofen makes it about 90 % better but then it wares off and I feel like I want to die... Does anyone have any idea other than appendictis?!?!

Do the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th commandments make up the moral backbone of Christianity?

The second and third tend to be disregarded; also, the third to some degree particularly when we are children. Most of us don't do the first, at least not by physical means. We may badger our relatives to death. Too bad the commandments seem to be negatives. Wouldn't it have been much healthier if we had had more commandments telling positively what we should do, instead of what we shouldn't do?

Why won't anyone take Marcus Camby?

I know he has been injured in the past but he's playing GREAT this season in rebounds, blocks, steals, TO's and some ists. And his FT% isn't that bad either. He's in the top 10 in yahoo leagues. I can't get rid of him though! I want to trade him because I need other categories and the best offer I've received is Hedo Turkoglu. I also received an offer of Leandro Barbosa. I couldn't get Yao Ming, Al Jefferson, Garnett (trade of Camby and Kirilenko rejected), Paul Pierce, Amare Stoudemire, or Dirk Nowitzki (trade of Camby and Derek Fisher). What kind of trade should I accept for someone like Camby? I want a center.

Do you think Sarah Palin is to partially blame for the AZ shootings because of her "crosshairs, targets"?

rhetoric she used last year? And all of the gun references, re-loading, etc? I think it's easy to blame her, but she wouldn't be legally responsible in a court of law. I think it's just a coincidence, what do you think? I think this Jared Loughner guy was just a very insane loner, with too much time on his hands, and a gun, and he was obsessed with Giffords, and just one day snapped and that is that, what do you think?

How do anarchists view it possible to live in a society without a government?

It just doesn't make sense to me how there would be order. Somalia (the only place I know that you could call an anarchy kind of) has a very weak, deteriorating government that has been overrun by pirates. If someone could explain to me how an anarchist society would thrive and prosper, that would be great.

Somebody claims that our lot has been sold to them-now they want us to moved within 15 days? Any Advice???

You received what is known as a demand notice demanding you pay what is owed (the whole loan amount) immediately or you will lose the property. If you can come up with the money you can keep your lot by going to court, but if not you must move. This is what happens when you miss payments. Apparently it just took them a long time to process the issue in the Philippines.

Do you think not speaking out against something is just as bad as participating in it?

It is easy to say things like this, Mr. Burke, but what needs to be added is that you need to have some power, usually the power of numbers, to fight evil.

What the report suggests????

Can't answer what the problem is as there isn't enough information from what you have described here. You dad needs to see a pulmonary doctor who will likely recommend a CT scan to further characterize the lesion.

How can i look good in the morning after pulling an all nighter?

I'm in college so most of the time i'm up way late studying. Tonight for example, i have a bunch of work to catch up on so i know i'll be up late. What are some things i could do tonight and tomorrow morning to make me look AND feel as refreshed as possible?

Are these fake?

on the bottom of my shoe where the heal on my nikes say non marking ne marque pas is it fake or real? plz answer

MUSLIMS...what will you do if this happens?

The mosque authority would have to arrest the visitor, hold a ceremony to behead him, offer his head as a sacrifice to Allah for the desecration and get non-muslims to clean up the mess as it is forbidden for muslims to touch or come close to unclean things.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Why is the UK blessed with safety from natural disasters?

im not bragging or anything, but sometimes i feel that we are blessed to be situated in a geographical location where devastating natural disasters are very rare or uncommon... the worst that could happen here is flooding at local level and heavy snow. but they again are not nearly as devastating as the Hurricanes in the US or the floods in Bangladesh.... i feel lucky !

Looking for a boy's name?

i've been searching all day for a name that goes perfect with my story. i'm looking for a boy's name that is a bit older, different, special, unique, you know, those kinds of categories. some names i really like are alec and linton; so i would want something like those. if anyone knows one, please tell me, and only serious answers please!!! ohh and i need the name for a story i'm writing, and i really need an older name. please and thank you!!!!!!!!!!

Arlington Road movie anlysis?

I need to dicuss the world views of Brooke, FBI agent Whit Carver and Michael Faraday...Where would these people fit into the politcal spectrum?

How should i walk like Gertrude Mcfuzz from Seussical?

i play Gertrude Mcfuzz in Seussical. if you don't already know, she is an insecure little bird with a one feather tail. she is in love with an elephant named Horton. to earn his affection, she grows a tail thats really long. when Horton still doesn't notice her, she realizes that looks don't matter. in the end, Horton realizes how amazing she is and they end up together. how should i walk like her?

Need help with... naming ionic compounds...QUIZ tommarow! please help?

i have a quiz tommarrow on this material....a sample question is name this type 2 ionic compound...the first one is, " CuCl(2) " and the answer is, "copper II chloride". the teacher told me this answer which is how i know it. the next one is, " Fe(2)S(3) " and i dont know the answer, im not interested in the answer but more how to do these problems, i understand how to get the "copper chloride" part but not the "II" part, how do you determine the value of the roman numeral

Spray tan near Preston?

Does anyone know of any good spray tanning salons near Preston, Lancs? I usually do Fake Bake myself but I'm going on holiday and want to get a good all over tan before I get into my bikini!

Horrible Engorgement Tips?

I had mastitis with my last child. became very swollen and hard and very painful. The doctor treated it with antibiotics. You probably do not have that but keep it in mind as a last resort.

90 Mustang Gt tech question?

I want to remove my smog pump and my air conditioning. If I remove both can I get a belt to fit and to have it still run correct?

What can I substitute mesa harina for in sweet corn cake? I am unable to get mesa harina?

Try a blend of 50% corn meal and 50% flour as a substiture for the masa harina. It should normally work out fine.

Should i confront them all at work?

I work as a duty manager in a leisure centre, and recently head office have issued a few changes in a couple of areas. A couple of staff are not happy and i am getting the blame for it all. I didn't make the changes i was just asked to p on the message. I have listened to the staff with their thoughts and opinions on the changes and have tried to speak to my manager about it to try and come to a compromise but management are not budging. I recently found out that the staff have been slagging me off behind my back a couple of them i thought were my friends. i feel like i've been made a scape goat and not sure if i should confront the 3 members of staff. Not aggressively but just to ask them whats going on. I know being a manger i won't be popular with everyone and that i can except but i haven't deserved the character ination that they have given me? Sorry it's so long but can someone give me some advice please?

Let me get this right....christianity is based on....?

and the snakes punishment was that it was force to crawl across the ground for the rest of his it was some kind of talking flying snake.

Baby names..What do YOU guys think?

I personally like Juliet Ariel, but that's only because I've always liked the name Ariel. :-) Actually, I kind of like James Jasper better, perhaps... (except Jasper makes me think of 101 Dalmatians, lol) Juliet Isobella or Anastasia are nice too. I like the -a ending to names after Juliet.

Why are people can't make type correctly in yahoo answers?

Many questions in yahoo answers have very broken English , and are to the point of being unreadable. I mean Gosh!, Half the time I can't decipher what the idiots are trying to ask. Does anyone else have this problem and what do you think is the root cause of all the illiteracy?

Are there recognized reasons for failing to file taxes?

In other words, actual physical or mental impairments or emotional disturbances that would possibly forgive certain penalties.

What are the drug informant laws in NYS?

I would like to know or be provided with a link that can tell me specifically what the NYS drug informant laws are. As well as how many black inmates( percentage wise ) are incarcerated in NYS. I'm doing research on These so called Rockefeller Laws. And must admit, so far... I am disgusted....

I need an answer ASAP please!! What is a disorder/disease that is similar to Dementia?

Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, or major depression can cause delusions and hallucinations. If your asking about an age related disorder, Alzheimer's has the same symptoms as dementia.

I am trying to find Tyler Hansbrough's public birth announcement?

His hometown paper in Poplar Bluff requires that you join and pay for a subscription. My son is having to do a timeline on him and we thought that the public birth announcement would be a neat start.

Euthanasia for my Cat?

Hello My Cat is only 8 Year Old and show symptoms of Chronic Renal Failure. My poor Kitty decided not to eat but continue drinking water, can barely walk and always always soiling herself. her weight have drop dramastically. I wanted to force feed but her face keep swaying away from food. I know about the expensive procedure but I don't have the money. I feel so helpless and depressed. I read story of cat with same problem that live for year. yet by the looking at my skinny kitty now it make me think about Euthanasia. but when I see her try to walk and drink I think about holding on to my Cat. I wanted her to least make it this summer. but by the look of things it could be just days and week. Help me with my decision and advice me.

Whats the song that has fat joe ying yang twins lil john and pitbull & 1 other guy that cant remember his name

there is this song that has fat joe lil john ying yang twins pit bull and this one guy i cant remember his name and he is the main rapper/hip hop guy. it has a music video and it was in 04 05 or 06. but i cant remember exactly when it came out. Its not tome, aye chico, anthem, 305 anthem

Do I need implants?

I am a 36C- however I noticed lately after I lost about 15 lbs, that they have lost some volume and look saggy ( without a bra). It bothers me, and I am trying to determine if I should get implants or not. When I lay down, they look flat, I want they to stay perky and not fall to the side. My boyfriend loves , but am afraid of all the risks . They look great with a bra, but I want to look good without one too. Have you had a similar experience? was it worth it ? Thanks

Incorrect CVV2 (U.S.) ?

What causes that error when entering credit card info over the net while Ipaying for a order from certAin sites using my international card issued by RBTT bank in Trinidad and Tobago although it is valid?

Cleaned out the pantry?

i found a white cake mix 1 can crushed pinapple 1 can apple pie filling lemon puddung mi chocolate pudding mix 1jar marshmellow cream what can i make

Given a box for a house?

We just packed up and left our lifelong hometown to move to a remote mining community for husbands work. We visited this town in July of last year and the company showed us around including several houses at the same time telling us that we would receive a 3 bedroom house of a similar standard to the ones we were shown. The houses were perfectly fine so I agreed to move up here with our daughter, 12 hours (or $500 air fare) from our families and not another town for over an hours drive. So we arrive here and we are given ONE set of keys to a DUPLEX (3 tiny bedrooms) with no back yard and in very poor condition and are told we have no choice and we have to sign the lease. We have tried to talk with them but they say that the new rules were ped a couple of months after we visited last year and that for equality's that crappy **** hole is what we have been allocated. This is a BIG company and if we want to move back to our home town we have to pay all moving costs plus reimburse them

Firefox discreet browsing extension?

I heard about a firefox extension that let's you surf discreetly by using what looked like dhtml to overlay one window on top of the page you want to see. It then allows you to move the mouse around and see through the top page via a variable sized "window" to the lower page. I can't find the link any more, but it was called something like "visioned". Anyone know it?

Does syracuse play a lot of flashy basketball?

Its seems like syracuse every time i watch college basketball has some of the most athletic players and they play a lot of flashy basketball. almost like the old school cincinnati bearcats use to play.

Can someone help me out on the dream walk process?

I've been practicing entering other people's dreams for a while now but i can't seem to get into there dreams. I've already mastered lucid dreaming and i contacted my friend so that we could try to enter REM at the same time. Also if there is someone out there who has mastered dream walking please send me an email after you've answered the question. In advance i'd like to say thank you. Happy dreaming :)

Kidney Problems... Can Any Help ???? should have gone to gp as early as possible,it can be very serious...may be the antibiotic wasn't suitable...i think you have to go back to the gp again...

HEY. i made a new yugioh deck. made of synchros, good or not?

Dark Hole isn't banned and it's not a monster. Shows how much you know about the game right there. Also this deck is horrible and has no theme. "synchro deck" is not a theme. Even if it was, this isn't even a synchro deck because of the fact that out of 15, you only use 3 synchros.

I need some Music advice?

I like songs like pop the glock by uffie and happy boy and girls by aqua so does anybody know any songs that are like that and really girly

Cheap Online UK Stores?

You could try new look they have a wide range of fashion or try river island althou i know it can be a bit on the pricey side, or better still how about having a look on ebay you find most of the time that the top you were looking at just the other day is on there and for half the price

erfly or Eskimo kisses..............?

Eskimo kisses; my grandpa gave them to me for as long as I knew him, and I give them to my daughter now :)

How do I copyright a novel I've written in Trinidad and Tobago?

I heard from an author in Canada that it is as simple as mailing their novels to themselves and never opening the package after receiving it. What are the laws in Trinidad and Tobago about copyrighting your written works.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Have you ever felt extremely attracted to someone, but suddenly the attraction is COMPLETELY gone?

I used to like this person soooo much, but one day I woke up and didn't have the same attraction at all. It's really weird. And I ended up feeling very repulsed by this person. Complete change of situation.

GIRLS ONLY!!! what causes itching on the outside of the virgina?

Ok im 13 years old i've never had , never kissed any one, and don't shave or have a period. But my private area has been itching lately. Its soooo embaressing! I told my mom about it but she said a natural girl phase. I take baths twice a day but it doesn't help. Could it be yeast infection, is it sign that my time of the month is coming i need answers! Please no mean or imature comments. Thanks!

Is there anyone out there who really thinks Todd should keep Sam/Tommy?

no...i used to really like todd, but he is becoming unbearable...he treats his children like possessions and i would hate for tommy or jack to think that his behavior is o.k. to emulate

Do you consider this "hooking up"?

Ok so I was in the front seat of the car and this guy was in the back.. he reaches up and grabs my hand.. from the back he starts like kissing my hand and **** haha, and he reaches up and starts like running his hands up my shirt. He was my tt and stuff. Anyway, I was attracted to him so I let him. I found out he told his friends that we kinda hooked up so I was like what.. would you consider that hooking up? I mean our lips didnt touch each others.... juuust taking a poll.

If God is all forgiving, surely hitler would get another chance if he was sorry?

I believe in God and although I do not follow any one religion, I do instead look apun religion as a great source of moral guidance. I believe God is energy and this energy was used to spark the big bang and everything that followed, this I feel merges religion with science. But I believe God cannot stay mad at anyone and that no one is damned to hell forever, no matter how evil they have been during their lifetime. This makes me think that surely even once in hell, people like hitler would be forgiven if they realised what they did wrong and truly asked God for forgiveness. Surely God could not refuse this apology. and if God did forgive the person for all their wrong doings, would that person be reincarnated to be tested again? or would they just go to heaven?

Did anyone else think Bryan was going to cash in on Christian after he took 2 RKO's on the announce table?

I was waiting for it.....glad it didn't happen though. I have no probs with Bryan winning one day but Christian deserves a good reign imo

Does he like me !? seriously confused?

ok so weve only known eachother for lyke 2 days but we're acting lyke friends already, sorta. he and his friend always follows me and my lil cousin for walks while im walking my dog and wen i tell them to stop,even though i like him he keeps following us and whenever i stop so my dog could do her business and their ahead, they try to find a way to stay and wait for me but pretending there doing somethin else. he jokes around alot wit me lyke once he called me flatface cuz im asian but he was jk he likes to tease me alot and we kick eachother alot but juz jokingly and he asks me alot of questions to get to know me better, and my friend asked if he liked me and he said yes and she was lyke ask her out and he was lyke no they start wars but i think he was jk.. anyway he jokes wit me alot and teases me and i think we're friends he gave me his # and fb and he only sometimes replies to my texts and he asked me everything but i only gave him my name (playing hard to get) i guess ?? well i want to kno if he lykes me or not soo plz answer

If someone wants to kill themself, why do you want to stop them?

Believe it our not, but some actually possess something called empathy and compion. Some actually care about others. I know it is foreign to you but it does exist and is not retarded....

Wired 96.5 Chio In The Morning - Thursday, March 27, 2008 - Dirty Secrets?

On this morning's show they were revealing "dirty secrets." I didn't hear all of them, could someone recap the secrets and provide who they were about if they ever revealed it. I tried searching for an audio clip online, but they don't podcast the morning show anymore. :( Thanks in advance!

What are some cool ways to chug a beer?

I know of beer bongs and shotgunning but what are some other cool ways or utensils to use to chug beer?

What spots on a girl's body do guys find most alluring?

I'm just curious about this. Aside from the obvious ( & behind), where else do guys find attractive? Like, what areas do they like to look at? For example, the neck, the collarbone, a sliver of the waist, etc. What areas do guys like to see that will turn them on?

Please tell what I should do to control my anger and depression?

This is probally the most sappiest thing I've ever said since I'm 14 but there's a girl at my school, and right when Im on the brink of asking her out I see her walking down the hall, twice, with the same guy. The first time I thought they could have been just friends but now I think they might have been going out. That enraged for the rest of the day plus all of the anger I had already have containned and I can't ake it. I am going to explode if I dont find a solution.

How to wrap .bat and files into a single .exe?

I have a batch file that needs to copy a little group of files to a different directory and then run them, is there any way i can pack the .bat and all the files into a single .exe? (my intended users are not the most computer literate and i want to make it easy for them)

Is this evidence that God favors whites and wants them to dominate blacks and asians?

Ok see now I knew there was a reason I didn't like that book, first it tells me to beat my kid to death if the don't obey, that I can't eat shrimp, now that bs. I may be white but NO ONE needs to be judged by the color of there skin. No one should be allowed to govern another until they have first learned how to govern themselves. The last one my not be true but the first two are and they are from the same book, along with the one about killing gays and non-belivers.

A tattoo concept....?

I like the idea. It's gonna be tough not to leave anyone out. And with Christianity alone having so many splinter groups, I suppose your best bet is simply a Christ on a cross. Buddha (and Mohammed) shouldn't be too hard, (you just use invisible ink) but what about the Pagan religions? Are you planning to include only 'acceptable' faith concepts? The reason I'm asking, is that I like it and wanna do one too. But no matter how it's done, it's gonna piss somebody off! Which is as it should be! (he he he!)

How do I stop crushing on my primary physician?

First let me say he's a wonderful doctor. He is very caring, professional, informative and supportive. Second, I will add that he's quite gorgeous and only three years older than I. I am feeling a lot of chemistry and sometimes his support can be misleading. I pick on his vibes that he's interested and I am too, but the last appt I had with him he seemed very nervous, forgetful and kind of too clinical. I am wondering if I am making him nervous because I dress in skirts for my appts (knee length). Is his nervousness and forgetfulness a sign of interest, a sign of guilt because he likes me, or what? Thanks.

Lube express worker tampering with gaskets while changing my oil?

My vw jetta has only 50,000 miles and has never leaked in the driveway and p the smog test 1week ago. Yet this shady worker says I have 3 leaks oil pan gasket, transmission pan gasket and rear engine seal. Do you think he has intentionally did evil to cause damage to my gaskets

Mamas boy!!! what to do!!!?

My bf is 22 and we've been together for a while now i love him very much BUT!!! he hasn't cut the umbilical cord!!! if his mom leaves town for a day he gets stressed out and sad because he feels his mom is too far from him...then when we visit her he says she looks sad so he gets sad!!!! he and she complains that they don't see eachother enough...!!! we're engaged but i like independent guys and i try to understand his mom is a little i wrong when i tell him that he needs to let go of his mom a little?

Anyone know this song?

When NBC aired their coverage of the IAAF Track and Field championships in Berlin (2009) there was a video they had showed (this was August 23, 2009) and I can't find it for the life of me. It's really well put together and has a song that I would like to listen to again sometime. It was in honor of Jesse Owens. This was the last day of coverage from Berlin and it was basically a recap of the whole Championship. They ended the coverage with it. Any help would be fantastic. Thanks.

How can I restore my Windows Genuine Advantage validation?

I am planning to clean install my Windows XP Pro due to a deteriorating performance and I remembered of my WGA and how will I return its validity after clean installing of my OS


my porceline doll from my grandma, Gaga, just fell off of my shelf. i have a mild collection of them.. and i guess you could say im pretty serioius about each and every doll. this one's name was Dianna Kathleen Anne. she was SO special to me. and i dont know what to do about my emmotions. my mom would be mortified if i told her about this terrible mishap. and my grandma (Gags for short) would be so sad! if i tell them.. what should i say? i mean im only a girl, right??


there's something missing from your description. Is there a diameter that intersects two vertices of the quadrilateral?

The prophesy says that the messiah will be from the house of daved,but if you read mathew and luke?

it gives they generations from god to joseph, well joseph is more or less jesus' step father and the way jesus bloodline runs would be God,Holy Ghost,Mary,Jesus the house of david kind of just married into the family ezxplain please

What Does it Mean to be A Christian?

There are many people who categorize there faith into either Catholic, Protestant, Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, Orthodox, and many more denominations. My question to you is no matter what denomination you are there are certain guidelines to being a faithful Christian and why do we differentiate between religious beliefs? Don't we all have a common goal to worship the Lord who gave us this life we are so fortunate to have. I guess what I'm trying to ask is although there are so many differences in religion practices, why are these here and is there a common ground we can all agree on what it means to be a Christian?

What do you think of Godbotherers on Yahoo! Answers? Is godbothering spam?

If some of the dogmatic fools on here upset you, you are definitely hanging out in the wrong place. It is not a place where you will encounter a lot of tolerance.

How could I tighten up the steering on a 1999 Vauhall/Opel corsa with EPS?

I have 1999 Opel corsa with Electronic power Steering and finding when I am driving that the steering is quite light on the road, of course when I am parking its great to have the light steering but how can I make the steering tighter/heavier for when I am driving - anyone got any hints or tips on this please? - I dont suppose I can just temporarily switch off the EPS somehow to see how heavy it is and see how I get on with it and then reconnect the EPS if I want it back?

I want to be anorexic?

I feel so fat compared to all my frends. I am 13 5 3 and 123 pounds. Since sunday i have bbeen eating less than 1000 calories a day. I really really really need to get down to 105 because i have to wear a "skimpy" (tube bra and skirt) costume for dance this eyar. i dont know what to do this is my last resort. i need to get down to 105 by christmas. if i continute to eat less than 1000 calories a day will i be at risk of anorexia? im confused and i need help to get to my goal.

What can I use or HOW do I get rid of a ticket for unsafe ping on the right from a parking lane in WestAlli?

I was on lincoln at a stop light for Hwy 100 in west allis WI. I was heading west and in the right most lane where busses park temperarily, eventually this turns into a parking lane. I safely and at the right speed limit decided to merge into then next lane to the left after a few blocks, I didnt know what path I was going to take initally for my destination. I was told by the desk officer that the cop probably thought i was trying to get around fast! It is now going to trial because of a very bad offer by the city attourney. If im not dangerous i dont think it is that big of a deal to do this, i know a jury would drop this, they didnt offer that though.

Should I have done that?

I honestly hope that you are not telling the truth and u are doing this for some kind of attention. There is NEVER ANY reason to hit a dog. EVER NEVER NEVER EVER! He needed correction you should have never let him bark for six hours but regardless, you need to take your dog and find it a new home becuase you do not deserve him.

Anyone heard or know anything about planning uk (east anglia)?

Also known as Witchlake, dunno how they got in touch but they came to our farm, as we wanted to get some land ped for planning permission, they 'aparently' can p it through easily, IF THEY GET SOME OF THE PROFIT AT THE END. i think this is plainly a con, but my uncle (who owns the farm) and my mum think its seems ok...if anyone has heard of these people then please write back, good or bad news!

Should i be mad or what?(read for futher details)?

it sounds like both you and your mom have unresolved emotional issues from the past and now moms acting kind of like shes a little kid and spending the money on herself she could not years ago when you were little . you on the other hand are 19 now and missed out on the birthday gifts you craved and for which al kids crave and now you feel uncared for and cheated and like that little girl of a few years back who needed mommy to lavish her with lots of fun presents. you are an adult now and mom is not a young mommy anymore so in a sense both of you are trying to recreate a fantasy of how you all wish it had been and i see resentment on both sides and acting out on moms part alittle too. of course you have a right to your feelings and unmet needs from childhood, events missed , hurt terribly as they most likely do to your mother as well who may have felt somewhat resentful when she had to sacrifice years ago and now feels free to reward herself. its not that she does not love you and now you are older i bet you truly know this but you need to sit down with her alone, in private honey, and express yourself and your feelings, your need to have a birthday of your choosing , to her in a mature adult manner not as you did about the six flags tickets ok? you need to tell her it felt hurtful and why it did and then tell her you do understand why she might wanna kind of spend on herself more now but you are her daughter and you feel slighted when she does not want to plan a birthday of your own choosing . i would hope she will see it has hurt you and and also that you are a big girl now and are trying to see her neds and understand how the past has effected her as well. its certainly worth the effort . if she remains unreasonable and not open after this i would just tell her that hurts you alot and be firm about letting her know its not ok to disrespect you and ignore your feelings. act like a women now and meeet her on equal ground . get your issues out and talk . let me know how it goes please! i bet it will be ok. but either way its not wrong for you to feel as you do i would too, its just that you need to take responsibility to be open and honest with her now about how this makes you feel.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Need some help with my eclipse 1.8 ?

can i put a turbo with low psi in my 92 eclipse it's just to give it a little power only a 1.8 4g37 non turbo i got it from Japan i use my owen emission from the old one because it was carburetor so now it fuel injected? also can a 2.0 intake fit my car.what's a normal oil pressure when testing please help thanks

Another question for skeptics. Do you really believe that ALL ghost and/or UFO sightings are false?

True, but luckily for us one case doesn't exist. Dude, you used faux (fox) news and wikepedia as sources. Get a life, and don't come back until you have irrefutable proof for your claims (which you don't/will never have).

Dems. not happy with prop. tx bill ...Since when are Dems unhappy with anything that taxes the people?

Thats their first and foremost play out of the playbook is raising taxes and second is lots of regulation of the mes

Does he like me?? (please answer)?

u have to knw whether he is really into you...take some more time to yze what he is really thinkin of u as??becoz u dont want to get into any kind of embarring i would recommend that you wait till things get more clear between you two..

Is the actual threat of the 21st Century really man-ies?

believe it or not, man are in fact not -- i repeat, not -- the threat of the 21st century. i know, that's how i reacted at first. global warming is defnintely up there, but right next to it is the looming comebacks of britney spears and madonna. yea, those annoying females are back into the picture. God save us all.

What kind of feeding schedule is best for my dog?

the best brand is eukanuba and it depends on how much activity your dog gets if your dog is out side all day running around and always on the go then twice a day good portion but if your dog just kinda lays around the house and sometimes goes for a walk or something, once a day in the evening good portion or twice a day small portions

Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law. Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. Is this a deliberate insult?

I like both these actors but even I think this is insane. I think that companies are just searching for any popular actor who they think bring in money instead of hiring the person best suited for the role despite their popularity. It's disgusting, casting directors need to be holding auditions, of both popular actors and no-namers and however is best should get the role. I am also sick of people supporting this type of big name only casting, ask about any in development film on this board and you'll get 20 people saying Johnny Depp should play the lead in that, ugh people need to expand their thinking. It's getting to the point now where you are just better off watching Indie and foreign films at least someone is putting the effort into those.

How long after bc would it take to get pregnant?

if a woman was on birth control ( the patch) for almost 2 yrs a yr and 10 months to be exact after she stops puttin the patch on how much longer would it take to concieve afterwards

What is your favorite team and why?

My favorite team is the nuggets cuz im a hige fan and i love the fast pace offense. Its exciting to see AI and Melo work 2gather even if its not what everyone thought it would be like. i also like watching JR Smith his dunks are amazing and he has like unlimited range on his 3. K-Mart is also good but he hogs the ball too much. AI is the best player cuz of all the accomplishments hes had in his career. Last yr the nuggets were 8th seed in the WESTERN CONFERENCE!!! I hope that they will do better this year and go deeper into the playoffs. The bad part is that we lost the defensive player of the yr Marcus Camby

Are past life regression hypnotists legitimate and does it really work ?

I found the hypnotist to do this he wants $300 if he's not legitimate I will scream HOLY HELL for my money

Boy names? Girl Names?

Out of your list i like Boy= Tristan girls= Morgan i know i girl names morgan she is very nice ansd sweet she is my best friend and a little boy named Tristan he is very cute and a very soft heart they both do! Hope i heled Cleiterman

Time, does it actually exist?

Time is so simple, and so very small and minor in our lives. Time...all it means is that things move. Since things move, events occur, meaning that one will occur after the next. Time is simply a form of measurement with a standard of seconds measuring the space between when things happen and when things need to happen. (like when you need to go to the store at like 7 or so.) So its like an invisible ruler. Whoa, that still makes no sense. Have fun getting a good answer to our question...

Capillary tube and perpetual motion?

What happens if a capillary tube (open at top) is broken within a water column in the capillary? Is this a source of perpetual motion?

Is it ignorance, arrogance or outright mean spirited stupidity...?

Why would God build only one path to him? Always puzzled me. You can confirm EVERYTHING through nature and there hasn't been only one path to ANYTHING I've encountered. True, some paths suck more than others, but if it gets you there who am I to judge?


1. MEDICAL and SPONTANEOUS. Medical is where people go to an abortion clinic and have their baby removed from there body surgically. Spontaneous is when someone has a miscarriage. 2. Abortions are performed at abortion clinics. Yes appointments are neccesary. 3. I don't know about where you are but in Mississippi you must be 4 weeks but cannot be over 12 weeks. and there is no limit.

How to get rid of hickey faster?

Have someone punch you in the neck. The bruise will cover the hickey, and the pain will remind you to not let someone make you look cheap and easy.

Do Obama & Pelosi hope to replace Arlington Nat'l Cemetery with a Cemetery for Community Organizers?

No. But I would think that Republican politicans would be taking community organizing cles after watching Obama use those skills to whomp John McCain.



Is the suppose to hurt slightly when receiving with an uncersized ?

It was my first time, was pleasurable yet a bit painful when inner skin area was touched while it was being done.

Kinda dumb cat question, maby...?

I have a bad cold, and I've been away from home, but I'm returning home to my Bengal kitten, who thinks she's a leopard ever since I showed her snow leopards on that show 'planet earth'. Well she looks like one, and knows it 'cus she has a huge mirror in her room. Anyways, my dumb question is can she catch my cold from me?

Want to try henna in my hair but i have a serious question help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

i have dark brown hair its not my real color ive dyed my hair so much over the last year i had to cut it to my collar bone and then the hair stylist wouldnt touch my hair because of the damamge..its not terrible but dry enough lightening cause a natural red head and i want to go back to red hair..if i appy henna to my dark brown hair what color will i get and what condition will it leave my already damaged hair in?

Important question about asking her to be my girl?

As long as you can execute that plan under the pressure, I think it's pretty good. Just don't choke. Best of luck!

Which of these three description the eyes or skin or hair is considered the coloring of the true spaniard?

Neanderthals left Northern Africa 35,000 years ago and lived mainly in Spain. Neanderthals are responsible for the red haired gene that many Sapien Sapiens have today. Therefore the original Spaniards had red hair.

Girls..answer this..why is she actin like that..?

You involved way too many people way too soon...she doesn't even really know you and honestly that would freak me out...I would leave it alone anything will seem stalker like right now.

My little brother is trying to kill me!!!!!?

What the heck?? Wow you should really tell your parents because this sounds serious i mean if you're not lying. A little kid acting like that is scary. And he sounds possessed. You should pray.

Am I the only one that does not trust one word that comes out of Obama's mouth?

Your not the only one. Its funny when you hear him say " let me be clear " cause you automatically he will be anything but.

Is this a good beginning? (revised)?

I personally reeeeaallllyy like it but you should go more into detail. You start with Megan did this or Amy..... but I do like it :)

How do you know what you want in your life?

with the coming years and as you grow you will eliminate so many things from your list.Later you will become professionally someone, and other things would remain as your hobby's.

Can you earn a Doctorate in Zoology, and what can you do with it?

I've always wanted to work with animals. I've worked at a couple zoos now getting to talk to keepers and did one animal care internship. So I know alot about what I need and can do up to a Bachelors degree. But can you get a doctorate in Zoology, or would it be in Biology with just an emphasis on Zoology? And what can you do aside from teach with one such degree? Do you need to have a Doctorate for these jobs or does it just make you more valuable? Any specific info is great, thanks.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Jobs for a 15 year old..?

work in a cafe, or in a shop it may drag sometimes but it is good work sometimes as well if you have the right positive attitude, and you have a goal to achieve, all the best

Is this a good book idea?

A girl named Tula who is born with the amazing gift of music belongs to this extremly rich family. In an extremly rich town. while evryone in this town including her parents are a bunch of self centerd bonde jerks who thinks she will amount to nothing. She just wants to belong and she wants it more than anything in the world. to make a long story short - she goes to school where she is hated so much she is nearly killed - is abel to transfir to a very poor town where she goes to a very strict school near an army base where she basicly breaks the sound barierr and brings the butiful gift of music to the school and town in the end there is romance ,death, happiness, defeat love, twist, and hatred. ..... the people that i have told say itcould become a good book... there is alot more to it but i dont have the time or space to finnish it all. Let's just say this is a super short summery of a soon to be great book. Sorry about the poor grammer and spelling , im just very *yawns* tired.

A deteriation in the myelin sheaths....?

c. myelin sheath speed up the ping of sodium and potium along the axon so a deterioration would cause this action to slow down

David Tennant should have left dr.who at the end of the last series.?

Well we just finished watching the last series again on dvd and I think the last three eps have been my favourite so far. I think the writers will continue to make the next series even better than the last (well here's hoping). I loved it how all of the characters were involved, each of them made it so memorable. It would be great if they did a few eps where the whole gang are travelling in the tardis together.

Help with swelling.?

So, I was hit by a car on the freeway (I was outside of my car at the time) in August of last year. I broke both my legs in 5 places. Yesterday was my first day back to work. When I was done with my shift I went home and my ankles and feet look like tree trunks. I do not have a strenuous job and my legs have never swelled like that before. Why is it doing that and is there anything I can do?

Schedule planning next year.. Help please especially AP chem students?

u must of interpreted your teachers wrong becuase they would never suggest to jump straight into all AP. i think u should start with do one or 2 ap cles but only in subjects u really like. then in 12th grade u can take more, also u should countinue with spanish.

Can i give my baby two different formulas?

It may be tough on your baby's stomach to start on one formula and switch to another. You should just keep using the Enfamil and maybe sell the Similac or try returining it to the store but goin back in forth would only give u a fussy baby

What is the best routine after an all-nighter?

I was wondering if anyone knows how much sleep one should get the night after pulling an all-nighter. Is it better to catch up and go to bed early, or stick to a more normal schedule? Should one try to stay awake until the regular bedtime, or if you fall asleep is that your body saying you should just go to bed?

Us history question during 1700 to 1800?

At least do a little work. What did you do just scan in your home work. I bet you didnt even read it.

How much would i get for my wii console?

hi i have a wii console im looking at selling it is in great condition with 2 controllers and 1 nunchuck, games are guitar hero aerosmith with guitar, scarface, wii sports, wii play, james bond quantum of solace and boogie with microphone how much would i get for this on ebay or ebgames?

Which band member is the hottest?

its a tie between alex gaskarth and gabe sporata. ughhh they're both gorgeoussss. but i have to pickkk alex gaskarthhhh<3

I would like to listen to some new music.?

I love music, and I like a lot of different kinds of music. Here are a few of my fav bands: Kings of Leon, Mumford and Sons, Red hot chili peppers, Patty Griffin, AFI, Thirty seconds to mars, Vampire Weekend..... I cant think of any others but I am very open to different kinds of music (except screamo) so any suggestions?

Why might There be very little sediment on the floor of the central rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge?

There is very little sediment to be found on the floor of the central rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Why might this be so?

What are the rules in florida for my parents to waive the condo fees. My dad is vey sick my mom had toquitjob?

My mom is 74 , my dad is 84 disabled and now is delusional with his dementia. my mom cannot leave him alone, so she had to quit her p/t job. they cannot pay the oc. fees now. she has the condo for sale, but it is takingalonger time than she thought. what are the rules on waiving the fees? and do you know of a website that we can go to to ask questions for the elderly?

Do you guys realize just how foolish you are complaining about Pelosi?

I agree that we are all humans, and we make mistakes. But as a Democrat myself, I am having a hard time supporting her lately, she seems to be losing control and creating a lot of damage for Obama to fix. I hope she gets her act together.

Where can I find quarterly EPS earnings on a 10-k SEC filing?

I can find quarterly EPS readings on the three 10-Q filings but can only find yearly ones on the 10-K forms. Does it depend on the company filing or should there be quarterly EPS readings somewhere also?

How many of you naz *cough* "patriotic americans" want affirmative action knocked down?

I know, I know, it discriminates against hoo. Stop the presses..whitey's getting discriminated you don't do your cryin...

Scientifically, is it possible for the eyebrows to be plucked certain areas that they start to bleed----------?

--making them never grow back? I almost never pluck my eyebrows. Two or three times in my life. Last year, I did a stupid thing and decided to reshape them, make them less bushy and a little shorter. I thought it would be fine and that they would grow back since it's hair, and hair always grows back. What about eyebrow hair? I used to have long arched eyebrows. The eyebrows grew back in a way that they thickened but they didn't lengthen as long as they used to be. I know eyebrow hair supposedly takes a while to grow out. But it hasn't been two months; it's been a year and months already and the length my eyebrows used to have isn't there that much anymore. Anybody expert on these things, could you help me please and explain to me what exactly might of happened and perhaps include some remedies?

Are you thoroughtly disgusted with the disgraceful thugs who call themselves environmentalists?

As with any movement, there is the radical fringe that act with pure ignorance. Let's put them in jail.

Was it necessary to declare martial law in Maguindanao?

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo signed Proclamation No. 1959, declaring martial law in the Maguindanao province on December 4, 2009. This was government's response following the political macre of 57 individuals, including women and members of the media, in Ampatuan. Government eventually placed Maguindanao under a "state of emergency" prior to the declaration of martial law. Under Section 18 of Article VII of the Constitution, the President is required to submit a report to Congress within 48 hours from the proclamation of martial law for review. Under a martial law, government suspends the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, as the military takes control. Some lawmakers and government officials have pointed out that the declaration of martial law has no legal basis. So was it necessary to declare martial law in Maguindanao given the cirstances? Why or why not? a href=""…/a

What do you think of this page in the Bible?

It's one of the many instances where god is shown to be a moral monster. This is no surprise to anyone who has read the bible with his or her eyes wide open.

How should I rid pantry moths?

They have gotten into a least one box of food for them such as cereal and are reproducing. You have to find the box and throw it out and maybe put all other such things in zip lock bags to keep them out.

What's more likely? Is she embarred because she likes me or because she doesn't?

A. She really doesn't remember what happened. I can't tell you for sure if she likes you likes you. She defiantly doesn't want to lose you as a friend. She might be such good friends with you she doesn't want to date you and ruin that. I won't give you any more advice but I think if you are going to make a move it's fine right now, she isn't drifting away from you.

War medals? How to go about returning them.?

I work as a care itant and last week one of the men I visit was showing me his fathers war medals. He was telling me about them and so on. The man has no family, and I was thinking about his medals when I got home so the day after I asked him what would happen to them when anything happened to him, as he has been quite ill. (I have visited this guy for 5 years and was comfortable asking him and he was comfortable to be asked. I'm not in the habit of sussing out peoples inheritences!) Anyway he told me he had been wanting to sort out having them returned to the regiment his father served in, and had meant to write to them but hadn't been able to. I told him I would go to his house one afternoon and write for him. Unfortunatley he went into hospital last weekend and died yesterday. I have ped this info onto my manager who has informed his social worker, but how do I find out his regiment and stuff like that? I'm not convinced the social worker will put the effort in.

Trying to trace iris gillis or iris gillies formally living in belfast northern ireland then moved to u.s.a

iris gillis moved from texas u.s.a to live in south koria about four years ago. her family still live in belfast northern ireland

What kind of dog food is better?

I'm getting a puppy and i don't no which kind of dog food is better Purina Puppy Chow Or Kibbles And Bits

How about an English campaign to boycott Scottish goods?

Buggered if I'm giving up my Bells whisky but I will certainly not buy Scottish shortbread biscuits or Aberdeen Angus steak if a campaign is initiated. To be serious, it was all to do with oil. Everything these days is down to oil. Decisions such as this disgraceful repatriation are always tied up with some underhanded political/commercial oil companies deal connected to the supply of energy in one shape or another. There's no justice for us ordinary people. We might just as well live in a totalitarian state, which whilst thinking about it, we probably do! I'll bet if the dead from this outrage had been over 200 Scots there's no way this would see the light of day again.

Some thoughts on growing Islamic fundamentalism/ violence?

You ask a great multi-point question, I will answer them all at once as your question seems to revolve around moderate Muslims. The reason you don't hear much from the so called "moderate Muslims" is, i believe due to the fact that if they protest too much or too loudly, their non-moderate Muslim peers, who follow and practice fundamental islam will kill them. The fundamental Islamists seem to have a death grip on the picture of Islam presented to the world, and moderates are afraid that their voice will doom them no matter how they frame their views. Yes it's true there isn't a figure in Islam akin to the Pope who can say what is right or wrong, there is a formal group of Islamic scholars, Imams and teachers who do determine Islamic law, and these men have been stuck in the 7th century since....well, the 7th century! It is they who determine business law, social norms and family law, and it is they who are the largest harbingers of the Islam presented to us in the West. The sad truth is, if moderate Muslims do not stand up as one voice and loudly and continually denounce, distance and deride the fundamentalists and their views, there will be a take-over, both here and world-wide of creeping sharia, Islamic traditions and the end of the Judeo-Christian values we all hold dear. I cannot stress enough to moderate Muslims....please take back your religion from those who have "hijacked" it, and bring it back into the fold of great human belief systems. If you don't, we in the west will have no choice but to view you, and all people of Islam as our enemies. We don't want to do that. Stand up against those who make you look bad, you have only to do this and together we can defeat Jihad, sharia and fundamental Islam!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What would you do if...?

2012 prophesies came true but hey, you're still living, what to do?...It's dark with no power anywhere.

What do you think of this WWE Vs TNA wrestlemania card?

i think you should find something real to do to p the time instead of making fake wrestling tournaments or whatever. you know its fake right?

Why does my car shake and sputter while sitting idle after driving it as if it's going to shut down?

Unfortunately there are many factors that can cause this, and nobody can simply give an answer to this question. It may be as simple as needing a tune-up, or it may have a vacuum leak. it could be a number of sensors, bad coil pack, injector etc... If it has a check engine light on you need to start there. Just remember that there is a reason you pay a diagnostic fee for driveability issues at the shop. Trouble codes in most cases are a starting point of diagnosis, not a final decision on a part that needs to be changed. The most common example in my shop has been people that go to autozone, get their codes pulled for free and then buy O2 sensors to fix the bank1 / bank2 lean codes. Then when the light comes back on 15 minutes after they cleared it they bring it in and we have to explain to them why they just wasted almost $600 in one case replacing parts that were working, instead of fixing the vacuum leak. If you want it done right the first time take it to a shop. Not just any shop, make sure they have a good driveability tech.

I have a back problem, can you help?

just take Ibuprofren to ease it away. Mage will help too. Sitting for long hours is sometimes stressful

Anyone familiar with The Importance of Being Earnest?

For an audtition, I'm thinking of doing a monologue from The Importance of Being Earnest as the character Lady Bracknell. I have not read the play, only a synopsis. Anyone know some stuff about how I could do a good job playing Lady Bracknell, or any other helpful tips on auditioning?

Who can build this? Engineer?

If I were looking for someone to build a custom device such as a small waterproof mechanical (or) electrical timer that triggers a small motor - would I be looking for a mechanical engineer? I have no earthly idea where to start.... thankyou

How do I go out with her?

Hi, I'm a freshman and last year I got a cute girl's number. We talked a bit and I think she likes me. Anyway, I wanna ask her out but what do I ask her too? I'm not 16 so I can't drive, and i live up away from the city. It's a little town, too, so busses and taxis won't work. Ladies, any suggestions?


Im using the old xbox 360 dat came up with 12gb hard disk and i juz bought new 120gb hard disk. how can i transfer my saved game to the new hard disk? can i like, load any save game using the old hard disk, n when the game prompt to save the game, i juz replace to new hard disk? does this have any effect on my xbox? many thanx in advance

Who's the nut job?

Limp, Orally, Hannity or the "ditto heads" and such who actually buy into the slop these guys dish out?

Anyone know any shops in Britain to buy hard to get cd?

Try SPCK, it's a high street bookstore for Christian media, and they sell CDs too. I'm not a Christian, but you would be surprised at the range of music available in there! They might be able to order it I guess... =oD

Im having a tattoo issue?!?

A variety of medical issues, though uncommon, can result from tattooing. Because it requires breaking the skin barrier, tattooing may carry health risks, including infection and allergic reactions. Modern tattooists reduce such risks by following universal precautions, working with single-use items, and sterilizing their equipment after each use. Many jurisdictions require that tattooists have blood borne pathogen training, such as is provided through the Red Cross and OSHA. Dermatologists have observed rare but severe medical complications from tattoo pigments in the body, and have noted that people acquiring tattoos rarely ess health risks prior to receiving their tattoos. Some medical practitioners have recommended greater regulation of pigments used in tattoo ink. The wide range of pigments currently used in tattoo inks may create unforeseen health problems

Black Light Show needs Fluorescent Marimba Mallets?

My friend and I intend to put on a black light show at our Drumline Camp. We're both drummers obviously and want to give the audience an awesome experience. However, we can't seem to find any marimba, vibe, or xylophone mallets that glow in the dark. We do have some white xylo mallets but we'd much prefer a colored mallet? Does anyone know of a place where we can get some glow-in-the-dark/fluorescent mallets or have any ideas regarding a way to make some without ruining the mallet. Thanks!

Should i trade matt holliday, jeff nieman and john lackey for billy wagner, carlos marmol, and vernon wells?

Absolutely DO NOT make this trade. Matt Holliday is proven every year, and he's just starting to get hot. There's no way vernon wells is going to keep up his production. John Lackey, also proven, and primed to turn around his bad luck in the second half. Jeff niemann is one of the best pitchers in the AL right now on a team thats going to bail him out of bad starts. Don't do it, you'll regret it.

Why does it seem like a lot of spam comes from Nigeria?

Between all the princesses that want to marry me and literally hundreds of people that claim me as a beneficiary, I would think I might actually know one of them. Is there a reason Nigeria is so often used?

Why don't believers back up their claims with some proof?

a christian dude or whatever the hell he is said: "so we just came down like magic? someone had to put us here!" alrighty then . . .so did the magic-man put us here? pathetic, rambling thinking.

What do you think of this Baseball Poetry?

Wow, it's great! I think that sums up the feelings of all baseball fans. You're really talented, keep writing.

Ecw tag team belts...?

i thinks it about time wwe reinstated the ecw tag team belts, unify the world tag team belts and wwe tag team blts and make it for raw and smackdown. I think they should bring back the ecw tag team belts tho because ecw has 3 legit tag teams at the moment and could make a few more tag teams. Also they always have 1 or 2 tag team matces on ecw. You could have tag teams like john morrison+the miz, finlay+hornswoggle, chavo+ bam neely, mike knox+ james curtis, tommy dreamer+stevie richards, ricky ortiz+braden walker. Some like john morrison, the miz, finlay, tommydreamer etc could have a singles career aswell, while others like mike knox, james curtis, ricky ortiz, braden walker etc could stay in the tag team divison until they are ready enough and comfortable enough to have a singles career. what do you guys think?

15 years old.. should i get a job?

Yes. Get your Work Permit at City Hall. You can work the same day. The convenience store will probably want you to be 16 since you will handle the cash register. You can wash dishes at a restaurant or work at a golf course.

What is so good about the intervention (in MW2)?

Most people who played cod4 prefer the intervention because its bolt action. Bolt action is when you do a little reload animation after every shot so u need to wait a few seconds before shooting again. When it comes to snipers its all about what you feel most comfortable with.

Is it time for America to call the House Republicans bluff on the Debt Ceiling and revenue enhancement?

Yes! Republicans have held the people hostage with fear and bluffs for to long. I believe Obama has called their bluff by saying no to a short term solution to the debt celing. Good for him.

Why are people so patronizing to others when they know they have done wrong?

for instance, my complaint has being in the system for nearly 15 years. to the government department's, and any place i could go to to have this injustice righted,. first a was reported that happened in 1960 to the police nothing got done, case closed, then in the 80ties, a person was sent to prison, with out anything verbally said in his defence, the the sentenced was up by the new zealnd goverment, the mother of this person wasthe one who was. d and through nothing being said verbally those in volved and thought they could convict some one on spiritial talk. with saying anything verball in his defence, 4 years of stress hardship and poveity. then in the year 2000 helen clarke involvement, in trying to discredit this persons reputation. ,then the ministry of social developement took acc money from this person widows benefit,year 2008, now those who have lined thier pockets at the exspence of others lives are saying i hope this person, can have a life and injoy something of whats left for her,why can,t she put this all behind her, and get on with her life,, how very patronizing coming from those who are well off,and live a comfortable life,if this kind of injust wqs done to their family it would be splashed all over the media,, the news media aren,t interested in any of my complaint, as some of them were all involved, and like the newzealnd goverment, they to want to cover it up,when i went to the media , back in 2000 tv 60 minitues hey rushed out and put it on some else to say they were d, = now this media is saying we have done that one,this criminal injustice thats being done to this family, and they are saying to get a life,forget the wrong we have done, to you, we are right jack , we don,t want the wrong done to your family to upset. our families lives,worst of all none of them have got back to me one it , they putting it around others to see what they said there,then back onto me so they don,t feel any guilt for it,

Evangelicals what are you going to do when Jesus told you..?

I'm sure there will be some "Evangelicals" in the lake, but I'm equally sure there will be Baptist, Catholics, Methodist, etc.. right along with them. I believe you are judging all by some. Not all Evangelicals are the same. Even as all atheists are not horrible people and all Muslims are not terrorists. Prejudice is an ugly thing in any color or belief.

Top Dem 'dumbfounded' by 'extremism' he the next victim of the Far Left attack machine?

I had read previous answers on this report and had heard the "it is a Bush era report" repeated so decided to look and see if it was. This is the latest in a serious of reports from the I&A Section of the DHs and the DHS was started during the Bush tenure as President but this report was started, completed and approved after the current President took office so is not a "President Bush did it" report and people using that should at least look into it before they claim it. The report has been defended by the current head of DHS and was approved by her so President Obama is responsible for it. Interesting to note that opposition to immigration, opposition to abortion, gun ownership and veterans are all possible sources of right wing terrorist but pro-abortion, pro-immigration, anti-gun ownership and war protesterss are not possible left wing terrorist. Here I thought the major terrorist organizations have historically been from the left (SDS, Weatherman, SLA and so on) but the Oklahoma City bombing was a "lone wolf" and not part of an organization. The cry over people politicizing the report being done by the DHS is justifiable by the people putting out the "political" points because the reports does not say people on the extreme ends of both sides of the issue but specifically talks about the extremes within the side that disagrees with the liberal/left wing views on this. If this report had been done on the other side during the Bush administration then the screaming from the Democrats, main stream media and civil rights groups would be loud and front page-where are the liberals who scream free speech at now besides trying to use the "Bush did it" line falsely again. Actions such as this report and concern over what the DHS has planned, mentioned but not stated in the report, are what will drive people to the extreme and means this is a politically motivated or supported report and not any thing but that. I don't know where this "refuting" of the report came from but the head of the DHS is supporting it and defending it while crying about it being politicized so I guess that the main problem is that a copy got leaked.

Condom questions..?

I've never really heard of circision being a major issue so whatever is comfortable is fine. As for wearing two, DO NOT DO THAT. I cannot stress this enough. It is extremely counterintuitive, but when you combine two, they start rubbing up against each other and will grind each other to shreds. Just try wearing latex gloves and rub your hands together to see what I mean. This greatly increases the risk of breaking the condom. Again, USE ONE CONDOM AT A TIME. Also note that a condom is only good for about twenty minutes of before the risk of tearing goes up exponentially, so you will need to stop and swap in a new one (this is a fairly unlikely situation since actual does not often last this long, but hey, you never know.)

Information on DCD, Dysgraphia, dyscalcula, dyslexia, visual perceptual processing disorder.....?

I have a child with these learning difficulties and am looking for advice, and direction in how to help her.

Kobe Bryant is the 6th best scorer in the NBA (25.3 ppg). Who else makes up the top 10?

without being bias im surprised to see young guys like monte ellis,eric gordon and russell westbrook up there. but im even more surprised that lebron james or dwayne wade isnt up there

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Does the Navy use fission or fusion reactors aboard their subs and carriers?

I know most nuclear reactors are powered through the fission of an isotope of Uranium 238, however, I have read somewhere about fusion reactors which fuse together Hydrogen atoms, eventually creating Beryllium 6 which decays to produce the heat. Has the Navy started using this model of reactor yet? I was just wondering, because I'm going to boot camp next month and I'm going into the nuclear power program. Thanks.

What does it mean when you get paperwork from the court saying your order has been vacated?

My husband has filed a petition in June to stop paying child support to his ex because we were awarded temporary custody of the child by the state. The paperwork came back today with a coversheet that says your order has been vacated as of 5-6-99; a copy is enclosed?

What should i get my math crazy dad for xmas?

I don't have a specific suggestion, but has great gifts for people into math, science, and computers.

Event planner vs. pediatric surgeon?

Well, let's see. You don't need any education at all to be an event planner. A pediatric surgeon requires 4 years of college (major in anything and take the premed courses in bio, chem, physics, math, and English, keep your GPA over 3.5, do well on the MCATs), 4 year of medical school, 5 years of general surgical residency, and at least 2 more years of pediatrics and surgery training before you can get a job on your own - that's 15+ years of college and training. You can always become a surgeon and do event planning on the side, but you can't be an event planner and do surgery on the side - not legally anyway.

I need help with a cal 2 question. They want me to show that f(g(x))=x for each x in the interval [-9, +inf.)?

Let f(x) = x^2 - 4x - 5 with D(f) = [2,+infinity) and R(f) = [-9,+infinity). Let g(x) = square root(x+9) +2 with D(g) =[-9,+infinity) and R(g) = [2,+infinity). Then g is the inverse of f. Show that, indeed, f(g(x)) = x for each x in the interval [-9,+infinity).

I'm so confused about the future; I hate it.?

I am 16, turning 17 in a few months, and in September, I will be entering the 12th grade. I will graduate and life will go on. Unfortunately, it's the life part after grad that's freaking me out. I have a deep rooted fear of being a cashier for the rest of my life and living with my mom well into my mid to late twenties. Now, some of you may think "That's not so bad, 25 and living with your mom, what's the big deal?" Well, when you have four brothers who don't seem to be going anywhere and you're only sister is four provinces away, it's a pretty big deal! Especially when the house isn't big enough for everyone to have their own room! 7 people in this house is just too much. I don't now how I do it sometimes. Anyway, I feel that life leading up to my graduation of High School, was extremely well planned out. First it's Elementary School, then High School and they eventually lead me to Life. It might not make sense to you, but it's how my mind works. Now, I don't know what I'm going to do after I graduate. I don't want to waste my life away doing nothing, but working at a grocery store and living with my mom. I've always liked school. I've hated teachers, students, cles, a lot of things that come with (High) school, but it's fun, and I enjoy it. If I try (not very hard) I can get good grades, I understand what I'm learning (except for Math). So, I wouldn't mind going to College or University. BUT! I don't know what I'd study, and if I don't go to Post-Secondary, then what other things can I do? Travel? Sure, but I'm terrified of new places. Especially if I don't know anyone. I'm not one for change. It's inevitable, but I prefer to stay as grounded for as long as possible. I could eventually start my own business. I love to read and make up stories. I could open a book store, or write a book, but who would buy my novel, who would walk into my store? I could go to a college and become a librarian, that's not a bad job. But do I really want to do that until I finally retire? I'm just extremely confused and scared of living a boring life not getting married, growing old and living with my mom. How do you have an interesting life? How do you meet life changing people? How do you live?! BTW, I'm most likely thinking wayyy too much into this, so don't take me too seriously, I know I don't. :)

Reality Check for Cons?

Why is the cons answer to everything about money? Do they have any compion about anything? Who cares if We have the best and most diverse economy (which we don't) every other fact this Asker has posted is true! Why would any true American leave this country or accept it the way it is now? We need change and we need to keep the hope alive that we can restore the United States to being great again. Taking care of the welfare of our citizens is clearly stated in the preamble of the constitution. Stop the pathetic arguing and partisinship and do what everyone know in their heart (not your wallet cons) to be right!

What are the acceptable and popular forms of bigotry these days?

Racism makes one look bad, even the racist hide that one - what forms bigotry do people find justifiable, socially acceptable?

What to do with my hair? Sailor dress?

I'm going to a 21st party Saturday, I'm wearing a sailor dress (nautical/sailor style...not actually a sailor dress!). My hair will have been bleached by then, so nothing to strenuous for it lol. Any ideas? Up? Down? Side to side?! x

How do I get over my fear of public speaking?

BE PREPARED!!! That's about the best advice I can give. I get nervous too but i've found that the times i'm more prepared and I've practiced I feel much more at ease than the times I don't. And don't build it up so much. After you've throughly practiced try to do something else so that you aren't dreading your presentation.

Any craigslist experts? I need your help :)?

I wouldn't go for it. If my husband died in Afghanistan, i would keep his car that he loved so much. What kind of person would sell it? And Craigslist warns you about shipping. Beware of any one that tries to ship you anything. You will get scammed.

How to make my dog gain some weight?

I have a 10 month old, male GSD puppy. And he needs to gain some weight. Its not serious but he is a bit underweight. I can feel his spine easily. His ribs too. I've started adding some canned food to his regular food for higher fat content. I've also wormed him as a precaution. Is there anything else I can do?

BigBrother Why the shaven heads????????????????????

i guess it was an impulse, mikey didn't need to go skinhead but he wanted to.. even though the flask was already full LOL.

How can i fix my xbox 360 game?

I tipped over my xbox 360 with COD: World at War in, and now it is unreadable. Is there any way to clean it or do i need to bring it to Gamestop?

How do I get my puppy to stop whining?

I have a 3 month old puppy Dachshund and every since I got her at 5 weeks she whines real bad and really loud at night when I put her in her kennel or in the bathroom.(I put her in the bathroom with a child gate up because I am trying keeping her in there to get potty trained because she uses the puppy pad the whole time shes in there.) I have tried the ticking clock, warm water bottles, keeping radios on. keeping toys and toys like puppy kongs and bones with marrow in there. stuff that she really like but NOTHING is working! What do you suggest because she is only 2 1/2 months and 2 pounds and something. A shock collar wouldn't work,

24 season eight??????

Who else taught that the serious got REALLY lame! Like the DUMB characters! & the extremely fancy CTU. I also taught their system was TOO FUTURISTIC and their server and all of the CTU involvement was really lame! Who else felt it was a huge let down!?

Asking for rent: Illegal?

I have a tenant whom I rent a room to in my house who said "its illegal to ask for rent on rent day." I thought this was fairly ridiculous but just to cover my *** I thought I would ask. Secondly, this guy has GOT to go. I rented to him, knowing he had two large dogs...they cause some nuisances. The most irritating thing about this guy is that when it is LATE in the day on rent day, I ask him nicely if he has rent...he then freaks out and gets all pissy saying that I "hound" him for rent every month and I don't do this to the other roommate (I do), and that it is illegal for me to ask when he has 3 days to pay it before it is late and adds $50 late fee. Any suggestions? I've rented my rooms out to a lot of people, never treated them any different, and never had a problem. Another funny thing is that this is the first gay guy I've rented to and its interesting that he is the only one that seems to have such issues with me asking for rent. I'm a former myself (now transmale).

What is it to chase the muffin humes or fumes?

Hi all, well I'm a big fan of Dazed and Confused. There's a scene in the begning when the coach calls the guys over, Benny, Pink, Mel,and Don to talk and ask them if there gonna play football in the fall. Anyway, I was wondering I"m not from the 70's and don't understand all the drug refreneces...and was wondering if anyone knows the movie or knows the term sitting around the pool, chasing the muffin fumes or pshumes??...thanks....