Monday, January 9, 2012

Euthanasia for my Cat?

Hello My Cat is only 8 Year Old and show symptoms of Chronic Renal Failure. My poor Kitty decided not to eat but continue drinking water, can barely walk and always always soiling herself. her weight have drop dramastically. I wanted to force feed but her face keep swaying away from food. I know about the expensive procedure but I don't have the money. I feel so helpless and depressed. I read story of cat with same problem that live for year. yet by the looking at my skinny kitty now it make me think about Euthanasia. but when I see her try to walk and drink I think about holding on to my Cat. I wanted her to least make it this summer. but by the look of things it could be just days and week. Help me with my decision and advice me.


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