Thursday, January 5, 2012

Why are people so patronizing to others when they know they have done wrong?

for instance, my complaint has being in the system for nearly 15 years. to the government department's, and any place i could go to to have this injustice righted,. first a was reported that happened in 1960 to the police nothing got done, case closed, then in the 80ties, a person was sent to prison, with out anything verbally said in his defence, the the sentenced was up by the new zealnd goverment, the mother of this person wasthe one who was. d and through nothing being said verbally those in volved and thought they could convict some one on spiritial talk. with saying anything verball in his defence, 4 years of stress hardship and poveity. then in the year 2000 helen clarke involvement, in trying to discredit this persons reputation. ,then the ministry of social developement took acc money from this person widows benefit,year 2008, now those who have lined thier pockets at the exspence of others lives are saying i hope this person, can have a life and injoy something of whats left for her,why can,t she put this all behind her, and get on with her life,, how very patronizing coming from those who are well off,and live a comfortable life,if this kind of injust wqs done to their family it would be splashed all over the media,, the news media aren,t interested in any of my complaint, as some of them were all involved, and like the newzealnd goverment, they to want to cover it up,when i went to the media , back in 2000 tv 60 minitues hey rushed out and put it on some else to say they were d, = now this media is saying we have done that one,this criminal injustice thats being done to this family, and they are saying to get a life,forget the wrong we have done, to you, we are right jack , we don,t want the wrong done to your family to upset. our families lives,worst of all none of them have got back to me one it , they putting it around others to see what they said there,then back onto me so they don,t feel any guilt for it,


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