Wednesday, January 11, 2012

10 month old is an eating

My 10 month old son loves to eat! He's been eating solids for a while now and also feeds himself. He eats anything we are eating like bread, cheese, toast, gerber puffs, cheerios, ice cream, pancakes, spaghetti, pasta, juice watered down. He also eats jarred baby foods and I feed him 4 times a day. I just recently stopped a couple sessions since the intake of all the solids. I just made a home made pot of chili tonight and he LOVED it. My first son was a picky eater and still is so I am not used to a baby eating like this. Is it normal for a 10 month old to eat so much and also nurse???He's been eating like this since about 9 months and he doesn't have formula he gets milk. What are your 10 month old feeding schedules like? I don't really have him on a schedule, he just eats when we eat and he gets snacks in between plus his ie milk. He doesn't seem to be packing on the pounds like I wish as he is about 18 pounds but on the smaller side.


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