Sunday, January 8, 2012

If God is all forgiving, surely hitler would get another chance if he was sorry?

I believe in God and although I do not follow any one religion, I do instead look apun religion as a great source of moral guidance. I believe God is energy and this energy was used to spark the big bang and everything that followed, this I feel merges religion with science. But I believe God cannot stay mad at anyone and that no one is damned to hell forever, no matter how evil they have been during their lifetime. This makes me think that surely even once in hell, people like hitler would be forgiven if they realised what they did wrong and truly asked God for forgiveness. Surely God could not refuse this apology. and if God did forgive the person for all their wrong doings, would that person be reincarnated to be tested again? or would they just go to heaven?


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